If this is your first massage, please watch this 5 minute video to help you understand what to expect during your massage session.
Unless otherwise stated, session rates are below. You will always receive the full amount of time on the table! As a courtesy, I schedule appointments to insure that your session is not rushed.
60 minutes at $110
75 minutes at $125
90 minutes at $140
Most essential oils (single note and combinations) can be added to massage lubricant at no charge. The exceptions are Sandalwood, Frankincense, Jasmine Absolute and Rose Absolute which are charged at $1 per drop due to the costs associated with harvesting and distilling.
Gift Certificates are available by service or in your choice of denominations. Selecting a denomination allows the recipient to customize their massage experience.
Purchase Gift Certificates Here
Integrative Table Massage is a customized treatment that involves the integration of therapy techniques from a number of different modalities. Whether it’s a light, relaxation Swedish massage or a more targeted, therapeutic deep tissue massage- this is an all-in-one customized approach catered to meet your specific needs.
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique which is effective in releasing neck pain, back pain, and mental stress (among other things). It does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around the skull. Developed by physician William Sutherland, this therapy provides a very soothing and relaxing healing experience.
Schedule Appointment under Energy Therapy
Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work which cleanses and balances the energy system in the body. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, I work directly with your energy field to assist your self-healing. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between us. The benefits of Reiki range from the release of habitual mental/emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain.
Schedule Appointment under Energy Therapy
Chakra Balancing Massage uses various bodywork and energy balancing techniques to awaken one's awareness of their own energy centers. Chakra specific essential oils can used upon request.
Each chakra or energy center has a specific physical location, and when just one of these locations is blocked, the system does not function optimally. Gentle, clockwise circular massage strokes can stimulate the energetic flow to these energy centers and calm the PNS (peripheral nervous system).
Your Chakra Balancing Massage session begins with a consultation where you can discuss any energetic blockages you feel you have in your body. Each session is tailored to your specific needs based upon the outcomes of your consultation.
Through various massage modalities, conversation, feedback and guided meditation, the invitation to enter a state of deepened relaxation, energetic alignment and restoration is yours to accept.
Schedule Appointment under Energy Therapy
See BioMat Therapy page for a full description and benefits of this deeply relaxing modality.
60 Minute BioMat Therapy session
90 Minute BioMat Therapy and Restorative Massage, a wonderful combination of the healing far infrared therapy and grounding, restorative massage.
Schedule Appointment under BioMat Therapy
Warm Bamboo tools are used to loosen fascial restrictions that help keep muscles tight. Heat, along with varying degrees of pressure, is effective in softening muscle tissue which allows for deeper work without discomfort.
Schedule Appointment under Thermal Therapies.
Dry brush massage is a modality that stimulates the skin and promotes detoxification. This modality removes dead skin cells, stimulates the nerve endings and lymphatic system to encourage the body's natural healing and cleansing processes.
Your session begins with gentle dry brush exfoliation followed by a warm oil massage with (or without) an essential oil of your choice. Hot towels cleanse the skin and an application of nourishing moisturizer completes the service. Keep the dry brush for future sessions.
Dry brush massage will not be performed on skin that has a rash, infection, cut or wound. Brushing over skin irritations, cuts or wounds can interfere with healing and promote spreading of rashes and infections.
Schedule Appointment under Living Aloha
This 2 hour session (approximate time) combines three specific modalities that work toward deeply relaxing and restoring the body, mind and Spirit.
Fully clothed, a series of Lomilomi and Thai Massage inspired stretches will Release tension in the muscles and open joints; CranioSacral Therapy techniques Relax the Central Nervous System preparing you for an intuitive Restorative Relaxation massage.
Please wear loose fitting clothes for stretching and CranioSacral sessions.
Add Warm Bamboo to your massage for an additional $10.
Schedule Appointment under Living Aloha
Aloha! Lomilomi Hawaiian Massage is part of a larger native Hawai'ian tradition of healing and natural body care. Temple style lomi focuses on aligning the body, mind and spirit through prayer, sacred chant and therapeutic touch.
According to Hawai'ian tradition, all living beings are seeking a state of balance and love in the world. During a Lomilomi session we focus on relaxing your body through gentle, flowing movements; reviving your spirit and filling your body with restorative energy. When the body is relaxed, deeper muscle work can be achieved.
To receive the utmost benefit of this sacred work, a relationship of trust must exist between the practitioner and client. To that end, I do not offer Lomi as a first time service to new clients. If you have experienced authentic Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage and would like to schedule a consultation appointment, please call 336-422-4559.
Schedule Appointment under Living Aloha
In this very special 2 hour ceremony designed just for you, we co-create the perfect healing space for your specific healing needs. Whether your needs are physical, spiritual or emotional, my 12+ years of indigenous spiritual teachings and Christ Consciousness teachings work in conjunction with your body, mind and spirit to release that which is blocking your path to wellness.
Your session may consist of energetic clearing to lighten your physical being, massage to inhabit your body, drumming to reconnect with the rhythm of your heart, sound therapy to raise your vibrational frequency, guided meditation to foster present-time existence, and oracle cards to help focus on your current healing desires. Other various energy therapies, massage and breath work may be used to discern which of these healing tools are best suited for your highest good.
For a one-on-one ceremony, this time of deep self connection and healing can be received in my office, at your home or in an outdoor location of your choosing. At no additional costs and due to limited space at my office, you may invite up to two non-participating friends to support your ceremony. I welcome expanding the healing circle participation to include friends and loved ones would like to experience a shared healing ceremony. Additional costs will be incurred.
Travel fees will be added for all locations 21 miles away from my office.
Call 336-422-4559 to schedule your Personal Healing Ceremony.